The Africa Centre
Covent Garden, London
September 21st 7.45pm
The show follows the Barefoot Peace Walk 2010 organised by the International Refugee Trust:
The World’s Most Wanted man, Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony, has kidnapped somewhere between 20-60,000 children. On Tuesday 21 September, Londoners are demanding he be stopped.
An estimated 3,000 children are still held captive as sex slaves and soldiers. Regional governments are struggling to protect civilians and apprehend rebel leader Joseph Kony and his top commanders. Campaigners are calling for the UK, which contributes substantial aid to the region (£130m committed to the DRC), to demand value for money and stop Kony.
Barefoot Peace Walk participants will meet at 6pm next to St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, and leave at 6.30pm for a 45-minute walk through London past landmarks including the Houses of Parliament. People are encouraged to dress in white and to walk barefoot, but this is not compulsory. The walk finishes at the Africa Centre, where events start at 7.30pm.