Jane Bussmann
Das witzigste Buch über Promis und Kriegsverbrechen das sie jemals lesen werden
Sie und ein Gast sind eingeladen zur einzigen Berliner Aufführung (am 25. September 2010) von Jane Bussmann’s preisgekrönter Live Comedy-Show Bussmann’s Holiday, aus der die Idee zum Buch “Von Hollywood nach Uganda” entstand. Für Rezensionsexemplare oder Interviews kontaktieren sie bitte Juergen Broemmer, jbroemmer@googlemail.com.
Bussmann’s Holiday (englische Aufführung)
Regie von Sally Phillips (I’m Alan Partridge, Bridget Jones’ Diary)
25 September 2010, 20 Uhr (1:05) im nbi Club Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin. Tel: 030 - 67 30 44 57. Zur Bestätigung ihrer Tickets bitte Email an bussmannsholiday@gmail.com.
“Eine der cleversten und lustigsten Shows im Fringe, vollgepackt mit so vielen absurden Witzen, dass man nicht aufhören kann zu lachen, währenddessen die Geschichte die sie erzählt die Wut in einem aufsteigen lässt.” The Guardian
Bussmann’s Holiday, Jane Bussmann’s show ihrer Abenteuer in Afrika, war ein vier Sterne Hit beim Edinburgh Festival. Darauf folgten ausverkaufte Shows im Londoner Soho Theatre und weitere Auftritte in New York, Sydney und beim Latitude Festival. In The Guardian bekam sie Anerkennung als “Tipp der Woche”. Bussmann’s Holiday wurde für den Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award nominiert und gewann Best Comedy bei den Perrier Rivalen, den Tap Water Awards.
Jane Bussmann
Jane Bussmann ist eine in London geborene Comedy-Autorin die schon für über 50 britische und amerikanische TV shows wie South Park, Smack the Pony und The Fast Show geschrieben hat. Sie arbeitete als Zeitungskolumnistin für The Mail on Sunday, wurde unter anderem für den BBC World Service interviewed und schrieb für Publikationen wie The Huffington Post, the Sunday Times, Harpers und GQ.
Reviews for the English edition of VON HOLLYWOOD NACH UGANDA
‘THE WORST DATE EVER Or How It Took A Comedy Writer To Expose Africa’s Secret War’, Pan Macmillan 2009.
‘This is one of the funniest books I’ve read for a long while…a tour de force of whipsmart quips’ Times
‘This book will change your life’ ***** must read at all costs Mirror
‘The Worst Date Ever cannot be recommended too highly; full of foul-mouthed brio, insightful, scathing, savagely funny and ultimately heartbreaking. Buy, beg, steal or borrow this hilarious, angry book - but read it. It might just change your life’ The Times South Africa
‘Very funny. Jane’s got a death wish’ Matt Stone, South Park
‘That rarest of things… a comedy that is truly funny’ Observer
‘So funny you almost feel guilty laughing’ Reuters
‘The funniest thing we’ve ever read’ InStyle
‘I found myself convulsed with sinus-clearing snorts of astonished laughter… This potty-mouthed, sarcastic, self-deprecating female journalist with no track record on Africa and a ludicrously inappropriate CV has succeeded where scores of doughty, better-qualified males routinely come a cropper. A small African war, headache of foreign editors and reluctant publishers, has never been captured to such hilarious and heart-wrenching effect’ Michela Wrong, The Spectator
‘Bristling with black humor, Bussmann’s dispatches from the country relate a damning tale of self-serving politicians, an incompetent military and ineffective aid agencies. A book that would do a veteran war correspondent proud’ Hot Press Ireland, top non-fiction choices for 2009
‘Heat magazine meets South Park goes to Uganda… dark but also light, ribald, entirely inappropriately f*cking hilarious and absolutely gut-wrenching. Best, most sneakily subversive medium for a hectically important message I’ve seen. Must-read’ Lauren Beukes, BOOK South Africa
‘Bussmann has invented a new genre – the agony/comedy. A more accurate and more readable account of the horrors of central Africa than is probably available anywhere – and it’s very, very funny’ The Lady
‘Manic energy, demented brilliance and a total disregard for her own safety… Bussmann is not making fun of civil war in Africa, but the self-absorbed developed world that turns a blind eye to it. The book relentlessly, and to great comic effect, plays on the tension between the inanely superficial and the deeply serious’ Canada Globe & Mail
‘Bussmann is merciless – on Hollywood… on the vapid celebrity culture that feeds this blog. She’s brilliant. And hilarious. And bitterly contemptuous. Love her so much. The Worst Date Ever - a perfect end of summer read’ laineygossip.com
‘Funnier than Scoop… astonishingly resourceful to the point of recklessness… outrageously indiscreet’ Graeme Garden, The Goodies
‘Buy this book. Jane Bussmann is a true wolf in sheep’s clothing. Her quirky antecedents allow her to reach the vital parts that have eluded far more seasoned wolves for years’ Jon Snow
‘Imagine The Last King of Scotland written by Shazzer from Bridget Jones’s Diary, and you’d still only get halfway to appreciating Jane Bussmann’s funny, incongruous and artlessly perceptive account of ditching the day job to pursue a chisel-jawed peace negotiator into the heart of a child-corpse-strewn Ugandan war zone’ Sunday Times
‘Even in this dangerous part of Africa, she chases her stories, observes minute details and harangues key players until she gets good quote… fearsomely entertaining’ Metro
‘Marrying vociferous rage with self deprecating humor at her own ditzy foibles, this is a marvelously maverick approach to the investigation of war crimes.’ *****Marie Claire
‘Hilarious’ **** Red
‘Angry and hilarious, this is a little classic’ Pick of the Year, Evening Standard
‘An amazing true story you could not make up’ Prima
‘Hilarious’ Heat
‘I love this book. Heart-breaking, demented and screamingly funny.’ Sally Phillips, Smack the Pony, Bridget Jones Diary
‘Genuinely confusing to rapists’ Chris Morris
‘Ballsy, deranged and hilarious. Jane Bussmann’s ludicrous quest had me laughing on every page’ Arthur Smith
‘Savagely comic… pulls no punches’ Mark Ellen, Word Magazine
‘Unlikely and hilarious’ CultureCritic.co.uk
‘Hysterical, heartbreaking true story’ chortle.co.uk